May 18-20, 2018 at Fire Mountain BSA Scout Camp, Mt. Vernon, WA

What an INCREDIBLE weekend we had—-the weather was INTERESTING (from sunscreen to hail to thunder and lightening and back to sunshine in 42 minutes)…..the Troops were INCREDIBLE….The Leaders were INCREDIBLE…The volunteer judges  were INCREDIBLE….FIre Mtn camp ranger and hosts were INCREDIBLE…..The Challenge Dinner Food  Wranglers were INCREDIBLE….. and the Committee was PRETTY INCREDIBLE too!!

A HUGE SHOUT OUT for everyone remaining calm and following directions when we had our meadow evacuation event—YOU ROCKED that!


Attendees: 26 Troops (sadly 2 cancelled)

Head Count: 250 people attended Cascade Challenge 2018

Girl Scouts: 143

Leaders: 52

Committee: 5

Head Judges: 4

Judges: 48

Challenge Dinner Food Wranglers: 3

Photographers: 2

Volunteers who travelled the farthest: Judges: one from Oroville, followed by Chehalis, Bremerton, and Union.

Troops who travelled the farthest: It’s so close lets give it to both the Omak troop and the Spokane troop.

This was year #36 for Challenge.

Photos: Visit us on  Facebook: GS Cascade Challenge

               Challenges for 2018 were: All challenges include the respective GSWW Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints.

    • Hiking & Map/Compass With your ten essentials packed, navigate your way.
    • Team DynamicsYour positive & cooperative teamwork skills will lead you to success.
    • Animal AwarenessBears, cougars, & mini bears: tracks & scat, and food caching.
    • Archery-Archers to the line, safe straight shooting hits the spot!
    • Campsite Maintenance Demonstrate how well you establish & keep a ‘good’ safe campsite.
    • Challenge Dinner– Prepare a creative & nutritious dinner with surprise ingredients (revealed to only the Cadette troops upon arrival Friday).All prep & cooking is done without leaders present.
    • Senior/Ambassadors on Friday: In addition to Campsite Setup of the basics. You will continue on to have your site ready/complete to be judged for Campsite Maintenance, without your leaders.
  • Leader’s Challenge: Paperwork, letting go, & more. This does not affect the Troop’s score.

More Info: Contact, Ellen “Jasper” Govan, Girl Scout Volunteer & Committee Chair
